There had been found some incompatibility of Enigma Protector with delphi applications that are using MadExcept.
By default, MadExcept has following option enabled "check whether binary file is corrupt (via crc)". After protection of the file compiled with this option, you are getting message like "File "application.exe" may be corrupted". This happens because after protection file is being modified and it's crc is being changed.
To protect such files you have to disable check crc option in MadExcept and re-compile your files. To disable go to MadExcept properties, under Basic tab find the option "check whether binary file is corrupt (via crc)" and turn this off.
MadExcept incompatibility, delphi users
Re: MadExcept incompatibility, delphi users
Another incompatibility had been found.
In the Enigma Protector, the option Miscellaneous - Other - Delete Debug Directory from File Header should be enabled.
In the Enigma Protector, the option Miscellaneous - Other - Delete Debug Directory from File Header should be enabled.
Re: MadExcept incompatibility, delphi users
It had been reported by our customer, that the option Protection Features - Inline Patching - Protect Application Code also conflict with MadExcept. We recommend to disable this option until workaround is found.