Downloads / Versions History

Issues related to Enigma Virtual Box
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Re: Downloads / Versions History

Post by Enigma »

Enigma Virtual Box v7.20 Build 20141013
- Fixed problem with CreateProcess function for x64 applications
- Fixed issue with ZwQuerySecurityObject
- Added Vietnamese translation
- Some problems fixed with the Registry Importing feature

Enigma Virtual Box v7.10 Build 20131218
- Added ability to import registry data from .reg files
- Improved handling of files with sections of zero virtual size
- Bug fixed processing particular exe and dll files (Watcom files)
- Bug fixed with memory leaks when create a new virtual process
- Bug fixed when adding files into virtual tree (files were not added)

Enigma Virtual Box v7.00 Build 20131111
- Improved read and write file operations handling (bug caused access denied error)

Enigma Virtual Box v6.90 Build 20131107
- Added handling of ZwNotifyChangeDirectoryFile function
- Improved handling of ZwSetInformationFile function

Enigma Virtual Box v6.80 Build 20131003
- Bug fixed loading virtual dll files under Windows 8 x64
- Bug fixed running some virtual exe files on Windows 8
- Bug fixed processing particular files

Enigma Virtual Box v6.70 Build 20130604
- Bug fixed running multiple instances of virtual processes

Enigma Virtual Box v6.60 Build 20130402
- Improved packing of big files
- Improved handling of manifest files

Enigma Virtual Box v6.50 Build 20130313
- Improved virtualization of dll files

Enigma Virtual Box v6.40 Build 20130222
- Improved handling of asynchronous read-write operations under virtual files
- Bug fixed processing particular files
Site Admin
Posts: 3030
Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:24 pm

Re: Downloads / Versions History

Post by Enigma »

Enigma Virtual Box v10.10 Build 20230109

Starting from this version we have implemeneted long waited functionality that was not available in the past - it is sharing to child process that have different structure than the source file. It also now possible to run virtual exe files with different structure.

What does it mean? Imagine you pack 32 bit file that runs virtual 64 bit file (or runs child 64 bit process). Previous versions of EVB did not allow to run such kind of files at all, create process just failed. Packed program was able to run only 32 bit files. And vice versa, packing 64 bit file allowed to run 64 bit child processes only.

Starting from version 10.10 we've removed this limitation, but only if the option "Share to processes of any platform (32 and 64 bit)" is enabled. Please note, this option makes sense only if options "Share virtual system to child processes" and/or "Allow running of virtual exe files" is/are enabled. If your program does not run virtual exe files, does not run child processes that have to have access to virtual files, then there is no sense to use this new option at all.

Note, enabling this new option also makes the packed file little bigger than without it.