[Report] CreateActCtxW detector function does not initialize return value.

Issues related to Enigma Virtual Box
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[Report] CreateActCtxW detector function does not initialize return value.

Post by blackwingcat2000 »

The following code is the excutable created by Enigma Virtual Box x86 10.10

Code: Select all

  		mov	cl,[eax]
  		add	cl,0xB0
  		sub	cl,08h
  		jc 	L0048224A //58 pop eax
  		sub	cl,10h
  		jz 	L00482252 //68 push 0xyyyyyyyy
  		sub	cl,23h
  		jz 	L00482239 //8b [mov ]
  		sub	cl,5Eh
[i]  		jnz	L00482257[/i]
  		mov	edx,00000005h //e9
  		mov	eax,edx
  		mov	al,[eax+01h]
  		add	al,40h
  		sub	al,40h
[i]  		jnc	L00482257
[/i]  		mov	edx,00000002h
  		mov	eax,edx
  		mov	eax,edx
This function may return the first assembler code size in CreateActCtxW.
It only supports "pop eax = 1" "push xxxxxxxx = 5" "mov xx,xx =2 or indefinite edx register value" "jmp xxxxxxxx = 5".
otherwise assume indefinite edx register value.
It seems not to initialize return result value, doesn't it ?
the return value depends previous GetProcAddress function edx value. (It may be too huge value)

So, when any security application or game guard application hook CreateActCtxW, the excutable may crash.
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Re: [Report] CreateActCtxW detector function does not initialize return value.

Post by Enigma »

Thanks for that :) The function return value was really undefined that might cause issue.

As for multiple hooking of the same function - what do you think is the chance, that mutliple systems will hook same CreateActCtxW function? I believe chances are low. Moreover, if hook is done, it usually done by jmp xxxxxx instruction that EVB can handle.
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