I finaly found some time to try making my customised Key Genenerator using the example you mentioned. It generates unlock codes but none of the codes are recognised as valid by my protected application. I did protect my custom KeyGen program as described in the enigma_ide64.ini file, using the same ...
I would like to suggest you add a way to name the 16 Markers / Sections in the Keys Generator. I have just started using 4 Markers and already I see that it will require careful management to get the right Marker number for a particular function. I don't think it would be necessary to change the act...
Thanks for the reply. Your future version sounds like it could be useful but I think I came up with a work-around over the weekend that will suit my needs.
There is a command EP_RegDeleteKey to reset the Machine Code licensing from within an application but there does not seem to be a way to reset the Trial period in a similar way. I would really like to be able to build this ability into my application for those potential customers who really need a b...
A customer has reported that trying to use my Enigma protected program in a Windows on ARM PC results in a "Internal Protection Error" and failed start. He found a way round this using Safe Emulation Mode for the program but it would be nice if there was a better error report or some way t...
My app calls a DLL to do some number crunching (geographic coordinate conversion). This works fine in the un-protected and enigma protected 32bit version of my app and also in the unprotected 64bit version. But once I protect the 64bit version the calls to the DLL no longer work. The DLL is being lo...
I have been using Enigma protector on a program for many years without problems. I have just got a new Windows 11 PC and have discovered that the program will no longer run after being protected on the Win11 PC. On both Win10 & Win11 it shows my Splash screen (just a form that is shown while the...