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Extra Enigma Files

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:31 pm
by Bigkang
After protecting my exe file, I noticed there were three additional files written by Enigma to the same directory, and they were ".enigma", ".enigmaform", and ".Keys". Should these files by deleted, or should they stay with the protected file?


Re: Extra Enigma Files

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:02 am
by Enigma
Hi Bigkang,

.enigma - is a project file for Enigma Protector, it is very important to keep it safe because if you lose it you won't be able to generate keys for your existing protected software
.enigmaform - is a file for Registration Features - Registration Form, it contains a design of the registration dialog. This file is not needed for protection.
.Keys - this file contains a set of keys that you generated using main menu - Tools - Keys Generator. You need to keep this file in the same folder with the project file while protection. Protection reads keys marked as stolen from this file. But if you do not use stolen keys feature, you may delete this file too.